We are His Messengers
I must admit, I’m a social media fan. I also must confess;
it is sort of a daily habit. Occasionally I will take a day to detox
I have connected with friends and acquaintances that I had
lost contact with for too many years. Doing catch up on their children,
grandchildren, hearing the stories of their journeys has been a precious gift.
That being said, we have all observed that it can become a
platform for almost any issue or agenda.
An issue that has concerned me of late are the manner in
which Christians verbalize their political opinions and are using this tool as
a platform to complain. Social media can be used for arguments of any issue
from politics, sports and religion.
We are blessed to live in a democratic society where we have
freedom of speech, and the right to vote the political party that most
expresses our values. As Christian leaders in our society, we need to be even
more aware of the messages we send out.
When Paul instructed us as to how to treat those in
authority, he was living under Roman rule, who hated and killed Christians. He
instructed us in Romans 13; Let everyone be subject to the governing
authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established.
The authorities that exist have been established by God. Consequently, whoever
rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and
those who do so will bring judgment on themselves…….for the one in authority is
God’s servant; and he continues through verse 7 with instructions as to how we
are to respond to those in authority.
Praying for those in authority is a biblical command. 1
Timothy 2:2 tells us to pray for kings and all who are in authority, that we
may live peaceful and quiet lives.
When Jesus was
approached by the Pharisees regarding paying taxes, he instructed them to give
to Caesar what belonged to him and to God what belongs to God.
Are we seeking to glorify God in
social media? That doesn’t mean we are
to preach a sermon or give a thought for the day. If we want to do that, then
we can start our own ‘Thought for Today” sight and have people subscribe. It
may be somewhat humiliating if we were depending on our followers to make us
feel accomplished!
Does our speech build up or tear down? James 3:10 tells us that it is not beneficial
for praise and cursing to come out of the same mouth. Social media is rampant
with gossip, pessimism and complaining. May the words of my mouth and the
medication of my heart be pleasing in your sight, Lord, my rock and my Redeemer.
Psalm 19:14
Do people see the light of Christ
in us based on what we post? Matt 5:16; Let your light so shine before others,
that they may see your good deed and glorify your Father in heaven. While it isn’t necessary to give the four
spiritual laws on your page there can be amazing opportunities to tell your
story about God’s grace.
The following is a prayer I found
on my fb newsfeed shortly after our present Prime Minister was elected. I very
seldom share newsfeeds; however, I did this one.
Lord, whisper to his heart, and
the hearts of our new leaders,
Light in him a new fire of Holy
accountability and fill his dreams with visions of Your will that cannot be
shaken off upon waking.
His idealism and inexperience are
strengths. Take this soft clay and shape it. Take this raw ore and refine it.
His newness to the vicious arena of politics has not yet hardened him with
cynicism or bitterness.
Lord direct his feet in the way
they should go.
Give him eyes to see what you have
him to see.
Surround him with wise counsel; let
him hear it and embrace it.
Protect his marriage and his
Protect his body and his mind.
Lord shape him into a champion