Wednesday, 16 December 2015


Christmas and the New Year is a wonderful time to celebrate. Then there are numerous times throughout the year when we can find a moment to celebrate.

Of course for the Christian, the birth of Christ is the greatest celebration of them all. Peace on earth good will to men.

God loves celebrations, the Bible particularly in the Old Testament is full celebrations which included feasts and jubilation.

Also, tomorrow is promised to no one. Every day is precious so let's celebrate!  Let's enjoy the basic goods of life with wonder. It's a new day and we have been given the gift of life. Celebrate your freedom, your country and the town you live in. Celebrate the first flower of Spring, the first fallen leaf of Fall and the first blanket of snow in the Winter.

In Alberta, we can joyfully celebrate Dec 21, the shortest day of the Year!!

We are constantly bombarded with news that can cause our hearts to skip a beat and our emotions to react in all kinds of ways. If we learn to celebrate, it will help us to move from fear to faith. Just recently, a family lost everything in a house fire. They were a family of seven. They are all, seldom away from home. This particular evening, no one was at home! Their response was that while they have lost so many family memories, they have each other.

Even though I didn't sleep well last night, I woke up with joy in my heart. During aqua-size three mornings a week, as I raise my hand over my head in the last minute stretches, I take the  opportunity to present my hands to God and thank him for the opportunity to refresh myself.

So celebrate! Celebrate with yourself, it can be as simple as saying a blessing over the food. Celebrate with others, family, friends, community.

Every day is a special occasion, so Celebrate!

Tuesday, 1 December 2015


There's a lot to be said about a name. Not all artists and writers are embraced by people.  Some writers have written exceptional good reads that only maybe read by a few. There are others who will be on the best sellers list, not necessarily  because of their writing but because of their well known name.

There is an English definition for a good name that says, he/she comes of a good stock. Another is, he/she is well bred; one who is well mannered and courteous or comes from a good breeding.

The Bible says in Proverbs 22:1 says, A good name is more desirable than great riches.

What constitutes a good name?

A seasoned gentleman gave a talk some time ago on four qualities which constitutes a good name.

- Honesty...This quality does not necessarily evolve because we come from good stock or we have a famous name. I remember on one occasion when our son was  around three years old, coming out of the grocery store and while putting him in the car, I noticed both hands were made into a fist. I became suspicious and asked him to show me his hands. Those little hands held all the candy it could manage. This involved going back to the store, and personally returning the candy to a clerk and telling her what he had done was wrong. I am not a famous person but I would consider my name to be of value from good stock and a lesson was learned in honesty that day.

- Integrity...While integrity is linked to honesty it goes a step further. Its the quality of being honest with strong moral principles. C.S. Lewis said Integrity is doing the right thing, even when no one is watching.

-Generosity...Generosity is more than just giving of monetary and tangible things. Giving can involve nurturing others, forgiveness, courage, respect, loyalty and even celebrating.

-Contentment...Our circumstances should not define our contentment. In spite of our circumstances good or bad, our contentment and happiness  depends upon our personal choice. Paul was in prison when he penned those words; "I have learned in whatever state I am in to be content." (Philippians 4:11)
"We may pass violets looking for roses. We may pass contentment looking for victory." Bernard Williams

If my name can  contribute to these qualities then I will have passed on a legacy to my children, a name of good stock!